Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I choose Imagine Rosefield?

Imagine Rosefield is a student-centered public charter school that has been nationally recognized for its academic excellence and character development initiatives. Imagine Rosefield utilizes rigorous evidence-based curriculum and instructional strategies designed to prepare students for college and career in the 21st century. Our curriculum and evidence-based approach inspires students to collaborate with their peers and think critically about the world around them. For students who qualify, Imagine Rosefield offers Accelerated classrooms that challenge students who demonstrate advanced academic readiness. Finally, at the heart of Imagine Rosefield is our core belief that every child is capable of success, no exceptions. Our caring teachers partner with parents and work tirelessly to meet the needs of our students.

In addition to its strong academic approach, Imagine Rosefield is committed to partnering with parents to develop the character of each student. Students receive instruction on essential core values such as respect, responsibility and trustworthiness in weekly character classes and engage in meaningful service-learning projects throughout the year. This intentional focus on character development has earned Imagine Rosefield the distinction of being named a National School of Character by Character.org.

Since 2005, Imagine Rosefield has partnered with families to build a community focused on the traditions of academic excellence, service to others, character development, and good old fashion fun! Each year our community engages in family friendly events such as the Fall Festival, BINGO night, Thanksgiving Feast, Holiday Concerts and Halloween parade to name just a few!

Do you offer after school extracurricular activities?
Yes, some of the extracurricular activities offered in the past include:

  • Clubs (Lego, Science, Craft Club, Dance, etc...)
  • Sports (Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, etc…)
Please note that extracurricular activity offerings may be different year to year.

What is the average class size?
Our intended class size is 25, classes are capped at 30 students.

Does Imagine Rosefield have a before and after care program?
Yes, Imagine Rosefield has a before and after school program called Champions. This licensed program can provide coverage from 6:00-7:30am in the morning and until 6pm in the evening. You can learn more here

Are Imagine Schools teachers highly qualified?
Yes, our teachers are highly qualified and regularly engage in professional development opportunities in all areas to ensure the best possible education for your student. Additionally, all faculty members hold a valid fingerprint clearance card.

How do I register my child?
Please visit our website, www.ImagineRosefield.org to register your child.

What is the focus of your curriculum?
Imagine Rosefield is a student-centered public charter school that has been nationally recognized for its academic excellence and character development initiatives. Imagine Rosefield utilizes rigorous evidence-based curriculum and instructional strategies designed to prepare students for college and career in the 21st century. Our curriculum and evidence-based approach inspires students to collaborate with their peers and think critically about the world around them.

Curricular Resources
K-2 Magnetic Reading
3-6 Ready Reading
K-5 Eureka Math
K-5 Second Step-Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum

What specials classes are offered?
Students engage in Physical Education, Art, Music, Media and Character Education on a weekly basis. In addition to these specials classes, students in 4th and 5th grade are also able to choose one elective class. Some elective classes that have been offered in the past include Show Choir, Clay Creations, Flag Football and Coding.

Is there a dress code?
Yes. Our uniform policy acts as a unifying feature that helps students avoid distractions from our larger mission. Uniforms are also a visible representation to our community of our unity and tradition at Imagine Rosefield. Please check the parent handbook for a complete description of the uniform policy. For convenience, we have included a brief summary below. You can review the full dress code here

  • Polo shirts (long/short sleeved) with Imagine Schools logo Light Blue, Navy Blue, Red or White
  • Uniform bottoms must be Navy or Khaki

Is your school free?
Yes, our school is a state-funded, independent public school that is free to all students. There are some fees that may apply. For example, we do have a kindergarten enrichment fee to support full-day instruction. We also charge a supply fee in lieu of sending your child to school with school supplies. Excepting those who qualify for free or reduced priced meals, families must have money on a lunch account for students to eat school meals. Activity fees may apply to extracurriculars such as sports and clubs. Field trips often require a nominal fee.

What are school hours?

1st grade -8:00-2:45
2nd grade-8:00-2:55
3rd grade-8:00-3:00
4th-5th grade -8:00-3:15

What are your office hours? 
When school is in session, the office hours are 7:30-4:00pm. On half days the hours are 7:30-12:00. For a complete listing of our office, education full & half day hours please visit our website.

Is there a fee for full day Kindergarten?
The State of Arizona currently provides funding for half day kindergarten for all eligible students. At Imagine Rosefield, our cutoff age for a student entering kindergarten is five years of age by September 1st. Imagine Rosefield provides a full day kindergarten program.

To participate in the kindergarten program, it is necessary that a nominal enrichment fee of $600 be collected for the year to offset the lack of state funding for full day Kindergarten and finance Instructional Aides. Options for payment include:

  • Pre-payment -Families will receive a $50 discount for payment in full ($550) prior to August 1st.
  • Monthly Payment Option – Families may pay monthly installments of $50/month. ($100 deposit, plus $50 per month for 10 months (August through May) = $600)

Is there a half day Kindergarten program?
No. The half-day program was discontinued due to a lack of demand.

Do you have a lunch program?
Yes. Both breakfast and lunch are available. We participate in the National School Lunch Program.

How does Imagine Rosefield support struggling learners?
To ensure all students’ success, our educational program incorporates Reading intervention, Special Education, and speech services (when appropriate), and Instructional Aides for increased student support.

How does Imagine Rosefield provide extra challenge for high achievers?
For students who qualify, Imagine Rosefield offers Accelerated classrooms that challenge students who demonstrate advanced academic readiness.

Does this school offer special education services?
Yes, as a public school, we provide special education services aligned with the student’s IEP.

Does the school call me when my student has an unexcused absence?
Yes, our office personnel will make daily calls whenever your student is absent, and we have not received a call from the parent/guardian excusing that day’s absence.

What is a charter school?
Charter schools are independently operated public schools. There is no charge to parents because funding comes from state and local taxes. Charter schools must meet the same academic requirements as traditional public schools but are also directly accountable to parents.