Character Development
Character Development

At Imagine Rosefield, we strongly believe in developing the mind, body and character of our students. We accomplish this by modeling, providing instruction and student learning opportunities to practice character development skills. Using our character program, we are committed to implementing methods to help children learn and develop attitudes of respect and responsibility among themselves and others.

We are committed to teaching the foundational principles necessary to be well adjusted citizens. We believe that parents play a primary role throughout the school year in supporting the school’s efforts in the development of sound character traits for their children. Ronald Edmonds (Effective Schools Research) recommends that schools build a positive environment by an expressed staff attitude of high expectations and the development of a safe and orderly school culture. Further, Imagine Schools are committed to both teaching academics as well as the teaching of character traits and attitudes that can be measured in student behavior and academic achievement over time.

Imagine Rosefield is an active participant in the Kids at Hope program. We firmly believe all children are capable of success and our job as teachers, administrators, parents, and staff is to seek out those “treasures” that are stored in each of our students.
Perhaps it is best expressed in the “Kids at Hope” Pledge, which our students recite daily: “I am a kid at hope; I am talented, smart and capable of success. I have dreams for the future, and I will climb to reach those goals and dreams every day!” and the “Treasure Hunter’s” Pledge that all teachers and adults recite: “As adults and Treasure Hunters we are committed to search for all the talents, skills, and intelligence that exist in all children and youth! We believe that all children are capable of exceptions!”

At Imagine Rosefield, we strongly believe in preparing our students for the future by creating opportunities for students to develop leadership skills. We accomplish this by modeling, providing instruction, and allowing students learning opportunities to practice the core values of respect, responsibility, empathy, and perseverance.

Imagine Rosefield staff and students have worked together to define these values in the following ways:

Definition: Respect means treating someone in a way that makes them feel cared for and important.

Definition: Responsibility means to do what you are supposed to do, be accountable for your actions and lead by example.

Definition: Empathy means feeling or understanding what someone else is feeling.

Definition: Perseverance means I know I can and will keep going and not give up, even if it's hard.