Health Office
Imagine Schools Health Office Procedures/Policy

Imagine Schools do not dispense any over the counter medications nor do we allow them on campus. Children may take prescribed medications at school with a signed Medication Assistance Consent form. Parents must bring in medication with a signed consent and pick it up between 7:30am and 3:30pm. Left over medication will be disposed of if they are not picked up.
Keeping your child at home when ill: Children should be kept at home under the following circumstances:
1. The child is not well enough to play outdoors.
2. The child has any of the following symptoms: fever (100 degrees or more); sore throat; green discharge
from the nose; congested cough; discharge from the eyes; rash; diarrhea; or vomiting.
3. The child has something communicable, such as chicken pox, strep throat, ring worm, lice etc. In this case, please notify the school immediately so that we may inform others as necessary.
If your child becomes ill during the school day he or she will be sent to the office and you will be called to take your child home. In the event that we are unable to reach you we may call the emergency contacts you have provided or we may call 911 for emergency transportation if warranted.
Please be sure you keep the office up-to-date with any changes in contact information. Students who are ill must be picked up within 45 minutes of being called.

Note: If your child is ill or will be absent for any reason, please inform the office prior to 8:00 a.m. that day.

Illness/Injury at school: Depending on the nature of the illness/injury, the following procedures will be observed:
1. Minor injury (“green light” procedures): Examples include a small cut, scrape, or bruise. Your child will receive basic first aid treatment at school, and you may be informed at dismissal, with a call or in most cases a health aide pass will be sent home with your child (yellow form).
2. Other injury or illness (“yellow light” procedures): Examples include fever, vomiting, serious cuts or
scrapes, allergic reaction, asthma issues, head injuries, lice or possible sprain. First aid will be administered and the parent or guardian will be notified by telephone to pick up the child if needed for further care. If the parent or guardian cannot be located, a person listed on the emergency card will be called to take the child for further care or we may call 911 for emergency transportation if warranted.
3. Potentially life threatening injury (“red light” procedures): Examples include loss of consciousness, scorpion sting, broken limb, anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction), choking, asthma attacks, and seizures. One adult with first aid training will stay with the child while another adult present phones 911. As soon as the emergency call is completed, the parent or guardian will be called.

Under all circumstances, the appropriate accident report will be filled out.

Incontinence/Bodily Fluids:
When a child has a bathroom related accident while at school the parent will be notified. Students that have (urine) accidents will need to be cleaned and must have clean clothes before returning to class, parents must provide clean clothes. Students that have (fecal or diarrhea) accidents must go home and shower before returning to school. This is for the health and safety of everyone.